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  16、Always listen to your heart because even though it's on your left side, it's always right.总是听从内心的声音。因为即便它长在你的左边,它却总是对的。

  17、all things are difficult before they are easy.凡事必先难后易。

  18、all or nothing, now or never 。要么没有,要么全部。要么现在,要么永不。

  19、Don't corrupted themselves, life is not only an opportunity, try to不要堕落了自己,人生并不只有一次机会,努力把握。

  20、Don't be discouraged; it's often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.别灰心,往往是最后一把钥匙才能打开锁。

  21、I love waking up and seeing text messages on my phone 我爱一觉醒来时,读到你发来的手机短信。

  22、I need to believe love can last...我真的想去相信爱是可以长久的。

  23、For short, do not remember every detail, every mood.因为短暂,不记得每一个细节,每一个情绪。

  24、For those things i don't talk about,it does not mean i don't know.有些事不说,不代表不知道。

  25、Adversity does teach who your real friends are.经历逆境会让你知道谁是真正的朋友。

  26、Actually I wanted to say on that day,"Shall we never g......


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