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  开始签之前,Stephen还不忘“闲聊”一下,“Witt, I find an interesting thing”(Witt,我发现了一件有意思的事情)


  “My men told me you knew Rosanna?”(我的人说你认识Rosanna?)

  石泽冷笑一声,然后坦然耿直地答道:“Yes, we met before, two years ago”(是的,我们见过,就在两年前)

  Stephen的脸色瞬间暗了下来,但是他又马上笑了起来,说道:“Why didn’t you tell me earlier, she is your ex-girlfriend”(你为什么不早点告诉我,她是你的前女友)

  石泽冷笑着,不说话,Stephen又说:“Come on, I don’t mind the ex-boyfriend and boyfriend thing(拜托,我不会介意什么前男友和现男友)”说着他夸张地指着石泽,又指着自己,似笑非笑地说着:“If you told me earlier, maybe we can be friends since we are interested in the same woman”(如果你早点告诉我,也许我们还能成为朋友,你看我们不是都看上了同一个女人嘛)

  石泽冷笑道:“Rosanna isn’t my ex-girlfriend, I thought you knew she was my sexual partner”(Rosanna不是我的前女友,我想你应该知道她只是我的性伙伴吧)

  石泽说得理直气壮,Stephen 也只能干笑着,“Yeah, yeah, of course, I know(当然,当然,我知道)”,石泽冷笑一声,Stephen又假装热情地说:“And you have a fiancée now, by the way, congratulatio......


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