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  刚进店,金发碧眼的美女服务员走了过来,“Hello, need what service you”(你好,需要什么服务吗)

  何景林的笑如三月的春风,他搂着莜小莫的肩,暖声说道:“This is my wife, my wife to accompany me to go to a party this weekend, I hope my wife will be the most beautiful the party people”(这位我的太太,我的太太这个周末要陪我去参加一个派对,我希望我的太太将会是这个派对上最美的人)

  服务员打量了一下莜小莫,又回头冲自己的工友低喃了一会,才笑着回答道:“Sir, you to your wife is really very good, we will be your most beautiful wife dressed, become Party Princess”(这位先生,你对你的太太真的是很好呢,我们一定会将你妻子打扮的最美,成为宴会上的公主)

  “Your wife is the standard of the east face, looks beautiful, western dress in our shop, also with the oriental characteristics of cheongsam. Wife's body is very good, I believe that both wear that kind of clothes are very beautiful.)”(你的妻子是标准的东方面孔,看上去很漂亮,我们店里有西方的礼服,也有带有东方特色的旗袍。太太的身材非常的好,我相信无论穿那种衣服都会十分漂亮。)


  “She was very shy.”(太太非常害羞呢)


  “I'll bring your wife to see our shop's clothing styles, we st......


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