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  Jean to had been on a date with him every day jean king to the distance, but to his died. I don't think she is very strong, the tears a chance her eyes overflow.琴每天都到曾和他约会的地方拨琴给远方国王,却等来了他的战死沙场。她很坚强,泪水根本没机会溢上她的眼眶。Harp on that day all the king's blood, with dial string fingers command cruel battlefield. In the whole country celebrating this moment of triumph, under cloudless skies, on the piano knee king's shirt was a glittering and translucent water dozen wet. Every evening jean to the night sky dial harp, she hopes the king can hear in heaven.在举国欢庆胜利的时刻,在万里无云的天空下,放在琴膝上国王的战袍却被一颗一颗晶莹的水珠打的湿透。每天晚上琴都会对着夜空拨琴,她希望在天堂的国王可以听到。And early in the morning every day, she would collect the scattered everywhere dewdrop, she knew it was the king of love for her response. Finally, after many years, until she always sleep not to wake up on the day of the people to be with all life's collection of five million two hundred and thirteen thousand three hundred and forty-four bottles of dew fell in her slee......


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