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  “You are love Tuberose?(你很喜欢夜来香吗?)”风儿笑着说。


  “Do you want to hear me talk about Tuberose story?(那你有兴趣听我讲讲夜来香的故事吗?)”风儿笑着问。

  “Tuberose Tuberose story, and the story? Tell me about it!(夜来香的故事,夜来香还有故事吗?快给我讲一讲吧!)”

  风儿笑着说:“Long ago, heaven is a fairy, guilty of quit, the queen mother of the variable as a seed, sprinkle in the earth a deserted temple courtyard, year after year, the caretaker of the Buddha. Day by day in the past, the seed gradually made a bud, the development of the leaf, will contain the nectar of flowers, with the sunset fade.(很久以前,天宫里有一位仙女,因犯情戒,被王母变为一粒种子,撒在凡间一所荒废的寺庙庭院内,年复一年的看守佛像。日子一天天过去,种子渐渐发了芽、展了叶,也会含着甘露开花,随着夕阳凋零。)Boring life can only make her fit of narcissism, weep all day, even if the occasional across the beautiful scenery, not to give her life to fill a little exciting.(乏味的生活只能使她孤芳自赏,终日垂泪,即使偶尔有美丽的风景划过,也不能给她的生命填上一丝精彩。)Finally one night, her flying a firefly, dance around her, singing, brought her only joy in the world of mortals.(终于有一个......


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