056 好戏永远都在夜晚

  “I did not expect, even now there are so many people watching a circus, here, every day a lot of guests? To tell the truth, I was looking forward to your performance.”(真没有想到,即使到现在还有这么多人看马戏,这里,每天都有很多客人吗?说实在的,我有些期待你们的表演了)何景林说道。

  马丁挑了个好位置让何景林坐了下来,“I hope you will like”(希望你会喜欢。)





  马丁走下了台,他轻轻拍了下何景林,“Mr. ho how to fall asleep, we played so bad?”(何先生怎么睡着了,是我们的表演太差了嘛?)

  “There is no I imagine the good-looking, I really don't know why the audience so many chairs, since no one look, it is not a waste?”(是没有我想像中的好看,我真的不知道为什么观众席有那么多椅子,既然没有人看,岂不是很浪费吗?)

  马丁愣了愣,何景林的话让他稍稍有些气恼,“Tonight at 12 will open a program, this program will be very exciting, you in this life may not have seen, you will remember that program, and will remember for a lifetime.”(今晚12点将会再开一场节目,这节目会非常精彩,你这辈子可能都没有见过,你一定会记住那个节目,并且会记一辈子。)


  马丁从兜里拿出了一张门票,“Also please be sure to come, after all, all to the circus, said this circus not good-looking, you are the first.”(还请先生一定要来,毕竟在来这马戏团的所有人中,说我们这马戏不好看的,你还是第一个。)

  何景林伸手接过门票,有些不情愿的塞进了口袋,“Well, I'll come, but really hope you show would tell you the same wonderful.”(好吧,我会来的,但真的希望你们表演的节目会跟你说的一样精彩。)

  马丁拍着胸脯,自信的说道:“Sure, certain”(一定,一定)