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  ”When you call on me 你来电传情呼唤我 When I hear you breathe 我听见你的气息 I get wings to fly 身上的羽翼伴我翱翔 I feel that I'm alive 我感觉到热情活力 When you look at me 你的目光凝视着我 I can touch the sky 我抚摸天空 I know that I'm alive 我体会到热情活力 When you bless the day 你祈祷的那一天 I just drift away 我流浪远方 All my worries die 心烦意乱全部消逝 I'm glad that I'm Alive 我很庆幸,我充满热情活力 You've set my heart on fire 你点燃我的心火 Filled me with love 用爱弥漫我的心 Made me a woman on Clouds above 让我成为跃上云端的女人 I couldn't get Much higher 我不能飞得更高 My spirit takes flight 我的心灵开始起飞 Cause I am alive 因为我充满热情活力 When you call on me 你来电传情呼唤我 When I hear you Breathe 我听见你的气息 I get wings to fly 身上的羽翼伴我翱翔 I feel that I'm alive 我感觉到热情活力 When you reach for me 你展开臂湾迎向我 Raising spirits high 神采飞扬 God knows that 一切都是天意 That I'll be the one 命运注定 Standing by 守候着你 Through good 度过美好的时光 And through trying times 度过艰困的岁月 And it's only begun 真爱才刚萌芽 I can't wait for the Rest of my life 我的人生不能再空等待……

  When you call on me 你来电传情呼唤我 When you reach for me 你展开臂湾迎向我 I get wings to fly 身上的羽翼伴我翱......


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